Thursday, May 1, 2025
Wednesday, October 1, 2025
The Overseas Press Club Foundation has launched the Reporting Grants Program to support former winners of OPC Foundation Scholar Awards. The grants, which range in value from $1,000 to $5,000, are primarily geared to freelancers who need seed money for a particular international reporting project. The OPC Foundation grants may be combined with grants from other funders and grant-making programs. The only requirement for entry is that the applicant be a former winner of an OPC Foundation Scholar Award. The project can be print, photo, video or audio and the deliverable (result of the project) either long-form piece, investigation or book, for example.
The Reporting Grants Program has two annual deadlines: October 1 and May 1. Entries will be judged by members of the OPC Foundation board and the Reporting Grants Committee. The number of Reporting Grant awardees is at the discretion of the Reporting Grants committee on each deadline.
Only current and former winners of OPC Foundation Scholar Awards are eligible to apply.
The application must include the following elements:
1) PROPOSAL (approximately 600 words)
· Project Description (print, photo, video or audio)
· Deliverables
· Work plan
· Time line
· Budget
· Potential targets for publication.
Applications should be emailed to foundation@opcofamerica.org.
The Reporting Grants are generously supported by the Estate of William Rukeyser and other benefactors who have donated funds and support international journalists.
As a condition of this grant, upon publication we ask that the winner acknowledge the support of the Overseas Press Club Foundation in the creation of the project.
For more information, contact Katri Reilly at katri@opcofamerica.org or Jane Reilly at foundation@opcofamerica.org.