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The Overseas Press Club Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please see our tax filings on GuideStar (Gold Seal of Transparency) and Pro Publica Nonprofit Explorer.
Our programs are fully funded through the generous contributions of our benefactors. The OPC Foundation accepts credit card payments here. Please send checks (payable to OPC Foundation) to:
OPC Foundation
40 West 45th Street
New York NY 10036
Please make a note on the credit card donation form or check if you wish to contribute to a specific Scholar Award.
For further information please contact foundation@opcofamerica.org.
Thank you for your support!
Donations may be designated to one of our individual scholarship funds to support our programs. The OPC Foundation is especially grateful to those who donated since 2023. They include the following:
Patrons ($6,000 and up)
The Estate of Jacqueline Albert-Simon
Nancy Goebner
Edie Lederer
Jeremy Main
Estate of Rosalind Massow
Anne & Larry Martz
MacArthur Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Estate of William Rukeyser
The Topping Family
Wall Street Journal
Ward Creek Foundation
Matt Winkler
Friends ($3,000 and up)
The Associated Press
CBS News
Shirley Davis
Andrew and Judith Economos
Pamela Howard Family Foundation
Marcy McGinnis
NBCUniversal News Group
Quest Diagnostics
Nancy Sidewater
Matthew Schweisberg
Taipei Economic and Trade Ofice in New York
Benefactors ($500 and up)
Allen Alter
Catherine Bender
Jim Bitterman
Rose Bradshaw
Cheryl Carpenter
Joe Cook
Carol Corcoran
John Daniszewski
Shirley Davis
Ja-ne de Abreu
Carl Earl
Timothy W. Ferguson
Craig Forman
Allan Dodds Frank
Mary Martin Gant
William Glasgall
John Gittelsohn
Charles Hanley
Elizabeth Henry
Craig Hines
Pat Livermore
Ann Lowry
Rick MacArthur
Rick McMahon
David Minthorn
Natalie Olyec
Sharon Paul
Jim Pensiero
Monica Serino
Shaftel Family Foundation
Catherine Smith
Stevenson Swanson
Paul and Dori Jones Yang Foundation
Nina Zacuto
Carin Zelenko
Laura Zelenko